prove helpful

美 [pruːv ˈhelpfl]英 [pruːv ˈhelpfl]
  • 证明是有帮助的
prove helpfulprove helpful
  1. On th other hand , adequate pressure may prove helpful .


  2. Boosting energy efficiency could also prove helpful .


  3. One final example might prove helpful : How a customer request handled .


  4. Isotopes also prove helpful in other conditions .


  5. Yet Quirke is hopeful that high-tech may also prove helpful .


  6. Outline writing concerns the development of a good habit which will prove helpful and efficient in the long run .


  7. According to some experts , this type of creative play is necessary and can even prove helpful in terms of child development .


  8. Jeff provides some real numbers from the field which could prove helpful for companies starting their SOA initiatives in2008 .


  9. This tea blend contains herbs that reduce stress and muscle tension , and may also prove helpful in lowering blood pressure .


  10. The following sleep tips , compiled from various sources , may prove helpful to some of my fellow insomniacs .


  11. Another important tool that will prove helpful with nuclear innovation is software simulation , which will help plants anticipate scenarios like earthquakes and tsunami-like waves .


  12. Yesterday China 's central bank indicated it may prove helpful in that regard when it dropped hints about moving beyond the remninbi 's peg to the dollar .


  13. In general , the message from money is likely to be most useful in the longer term , although developments in credit may prove helpful to central banks in the shorter term .


  14. Finally , on the strength of concrete analysis , conclusions are drawn that may prove helpful in relation to designing back pressure steam turbine ranges for China and establishing their fundamental thermodynamical parameters .


  15. At the end of this paper , it also offers a new tool , OTM ( organizational training maturity ), to measure the training 's status , hoping it can prove helpful for enterprises to find out shortages in their trainings .


  16. Permissions from key officials or newly defined regulations will prove extremely helpful .


  17. Observing the distribution of risk perceptions held by boards of financial institutions could prove exceptionally helpful in early awareness of systemic risks .


  18. You are a private soul , but this month , getting out and rubbing shoulders should prove very helpful to you in your work , and will satisfy your personal need to be supported .


  19. The proposed method will prove to be helpful in calculations for gas devices in guns .


  20. This paper will prove to be helpful for the development of the monitored control system used in Cropping Shear Line .


  21. The author hope the basic research can inspire others ' Project Finance Risk Management and prove to be helpful in the future study .


  22. The required support from the Government and financial sector would prove to be helpful for the industry to maintain its competitiveness and remain relevant , was the opinion of an expert .


  23. The current sales mechanism should prove to be a helpful method .


  24. We hope our explanation will prove more or less helpful .


  25. This dictionary prove to be more helpful than I expected .


  26. When searching for more information it could also prove to be very helpful to contact the Department of Education .
